Donald Trump,
Soon, the people of America will decide whether or not you will be the next person to run this country. While many find your "honesty" appealing, I do not. I believe you are honest, for the most part. I believe that you speak exactly what is on your mind, and I find the things that are on your mind to be very troubling. You have called women names based on their weight, breast size, and appearance. You have judged people based on the color of their skin or their religious preference. You say you stand with the Constitution, but what about freedom of religion? When you threaten to ban Muslims from entering the country, you are shredding the first amendment. You have stated that you are allowed to sexually assault a female just because you're rich and famous, and you believe you can get away with it. Of course, the second you are accused of sexual assault, the woman making the allegations is a "liar". You have called yourself a man of Christian values, but doesn't the Bible say to love thy neighbor? It doesn't say, "Love thy neighbor as long as they aren't gay, Muslim, or poor," it says, "Love thy neighbor," with no exceptions added. You also have the nerve to judge Hillary Clinton based on the fact that her husband cheated on her, but you cheated on wife number one with wife number two, and wife number two with wife number three. I'm pretty sure the Bible is against adultery as well. A few months ago, you were worried about transgender going into the "incorrect" bathroom, claiming that they would sexually harass our daughters. However, you are currently in the middle of a trial for the rape of a minor. You are a violent man. We have heard you say that you will torture innocent women and children of our enemies, which is not only morally wrong, but would also mean you would be committing war crimes. You would be ordering our soldiers to commit war crimes. You claim to love and support our troops, but you stood on stage and shamed the name of a fallen soldier.
I cannot support you for these reasons, Donald Trump. I can't, and I won't.