I'm so done with this election and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Even on SNL this past weekend Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon broke character, Trump and Clinton respectively, because they were sick of it too. It's not that I don't care about the country or our right to vote, I just think the election needs to be over so we can move on and focus on the actions that need to be taken to ensure the well-being of our country instead of just talking about it.
We as a nation make elections way too big of a deal. It's important to vote and I will be voting on Tuesday, November 8th, but there are so many other things we should be worrying about other than trying to expose and criticize the candidates... Let alone as soon as this election is over it's only a matter of hours until we start talking about the next one.
And not to mention the obvious, but this election is a huge joke. No matter who you are you have to admit that both of our candidates make our country look ridiculous. You can hardly single out an individual who agrees with or supports either Trump or Clinton one hundred percent. It seems to have come down to who one hates the least in this election, as opposed to who one likes the most.
The other thing is that the president has much less political power than most people believe. The president is much more the face of our country then a person that actually has power, that's pretty much all Congress.
The point is, we should still all vote and recognize that we are lucky enough to live in a country with a democracy. We have the power to vote for our president, congressmen, and candidates running in our state and local governments. Not everyone has the right to vote and we shouldn't take it for granted.
Voter turnout in the last presidential election in 2012, was only an estimated 57.5% of eligible voters. It's really not hard to register, there are plenty of locations to go vote, and there’s even an absentee ballot if you're not able to vote in your registered polling site.
Voting is an important part of being a U.S. citizen. Even though the events leading up to this election may be overwhelming and crazy, even if you don’t know a lot about politics, and even if you’re unsure, you should still go vote. It’s not too late to educate yourself on the issues our country is facing and the positions of the candidates.
Be a part of one of our nation’s greatest rights and let your voice be heard.