10 Thank You's To My Dad | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I Never Thanked My Dad For Growing Up, At Least Not Enough

.Because believe me, he deserves way more than a thank you.

Emily Prock
Emily Prock

You never let us see when we had struggles and you never let us see hardship. We only saw love and dreams come true in our house.

1. Thank you for always ensuring we would have everything we needed to have a "normal" life


Growing up in a military family can be a struggle. The constant moving around, packing up things, and sometimes even losing the toys and belongings you loved. My dad always made sure that he had a separate U-Haul for us to put our cherished items in. Even if it was just a Tickle Me Elmo to someone else; to me, it was the Tickle Me Elmo my dad brought back from being TDY for a month.

2. Thanks you for showing James and I what love should look like



The love you show for mom every single day is amazing to me. You never fail to express how much she means to you and how you just can't live without her. Even when you though she is a very, very independent person, she knows she can count on you to be there at the end of the day. You two have showed us what real love should look like, and I can only hope to have that one day.

3. Thank you for always saying "yes" to getting another dog, even though you never really had a choice in the matter


We were never the house with just one dog; we always had at least three pups running around our house at a time. You even brought home Gizmo because one of your airmen had bought him for his wife who just had twins. You always complained how much you hate having them around... yet we always managed to find you sleeping with one of them, either at your feet or curled up on your lap.

So dad... who's the real liar here?

4. Thank you for always supporting us even when it killed you


James and I weren't always the kids with the best ideas, but you never let us go into an event or game feeling anything less than supported. We are 18 and 24 years old; we're bound to do some stupid things, and it's a nice feeling to know you'll always support us and pick us up.

5. Have I ever thanked you for moving me into college?


When we first moved to Louisiana, I was very concerned about how I was getting back up to North Dakota to start college. Thankfully, I got to endure a TWO DAY road trip with you twice a year; once driving me up to school and you flying home, and then you flying to Grand Forks and driving me home. I never thanked you then, but I am now because those are going to be trips that I'll be thankful for when I'm older and my own kids start college.

6. Thank you for being only a phone call away


Even if it's only because I know that if I call you, you'll give the phone to mom; thank you. You're always right there and it really means the world to me.

7. Thank you for moving to Minot, North Dakota


Bet you never thought I'd say that. I never thought I would either, but look at me now. Moving there in 5th grade was horrible; I hated every minute of it. Winters were terrible, I wasn't eight hours from Lubbock anymore, I wasn't living in San Antonio, and again... WINTER WAS HORRIBLE. But Minot gave me so much: my best friend Morgan, my dream of being Miss North Dakota, a place to call home, an amazing baton coach, and so much more. So for that, thank you even though you had zero control over it and it was the Air Force that sent us there.

8. I guess thanks for having James?


I was just living the dream of being an only child until my world was crushed and you brought him home. That christmas, I got my barbie airplane minus literally everything because "it was a choking hazard." I guess now I'm happy you didn't give him away like I begged you to, because he's my forever best friend, but there are days I wish you would have.

You and mom had a plan to ensure that when it was time for you guys to pass on, I wasn't alone in life and I can't help but be thankful for that. James and I never have to do things alone and we also have someone we can spill secrets to and only hope the other isn't sitting next to mom in the car.

9. Thank you for allowing me to pursue my dream of Miss North Dakota

Look how cute Cara is y'all. My forever Miss North Dakota AND Miss America. Much love sister.


I know pageants give you headaches and the price tags will give you a heart attack, but you support and love me no matter what. You allowed me to fall in love with North Dakota and the people, and you helped me become the dreamer I am today. I can't help but want to be a role model and do the same as Miss North Dakota. You showed me the power of what a dream can do and I intend to spend my last year of eligibility fighting for this dream.

10. Thank you for your 27 years of service.

Emily Prock

Even though I was only around for the last 21 years, I am thankful. You showed us what a hero looks like, how a man should provide for his family, and what a father should be. You always made sure mom, James, and I were well taken care of before and after all of our moves, that mom had a teaching job at every base, and that James and I had a great school to attend.

You never let us see when we had struggles and you never let us see hardship. We only saw love and dreams come true in our house. As a dad, you never gave up on us; and as an airman, you never gave up on this country. As much as I know you loved being in the Air Force, I think you loved being our dad that much more.

So, thank you for everything you've done for not just us three at home, but for everything. You gave us a life people only dream of, even if things did get tough, we only got tougher.

Love ya dad.

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