I'll admit it: I watch make-up tutorials all the time on YouTube. As someone who still can't apply make-up correctly, it soothes me to watch a lot of these YouTubers display some of their methods of completing it. However, while watching these girls changing their appearance I've noticed that some of these girls --who deny calling themselves "beauty gurus" -- are starting a trend where using either cruelty-free or vegetarian options are more preferred. They assume using these kind of cosmetics will be beneficial to their skin and give an advantage to the lack of usage of animal testing by giving back to the environment. This can similarly be seen by these vegetarians who attempt to save animals by not eating them but instead purchasing an expensive amount of groceries in organic markets. How can this be seen as a supplement towards society when obviously, there will be a continuation of supply and demand in harmed animals sold?
A majority of people need to realize that they're not capable of solving every single bad situation. As cynical as it sounds, it's realistically true. Without the balance of the good and unfortunate events, many of us are not able to live the way we currently do. I wasn't aware about this until my friend brought it up. There are people who consistently try to save the poor group of people because they feel bad for living a comfortable life. They feel as if it's their responsibility for their bad living conditions so they think setting up donations and charities to support these targeted groups of people, while the amount of money being given to these communities will one day run out.
It's inevitable to have some more fortunate than others. The whole balance of the rich and poor creates who we are. There will always be those who will never experience a day where they never have to work and those who never have to worry about their next paycheck. It's all about either making a change in our lives to live out our potential desired lives or take our situations and be grateful for every single second of the life we're living in the moment.