There is a difference between a good song and the perfect song. Sure there are the songs that come on the radio and you catch yourself singing to absent mindedly, but those aren't the ones that have the most impact. There are certain songs that can change your mood in a heartbeat. Some songs can give you that motivation you needed to finish that study session with a bang. Or energize you enough to get you through a night of working late. It could even dry your tears after a rough day. There will be certain genres and music types for different days and situations. There is a song or even an entire genre of music for everyone, you just have to find it.
Music is something that can be so much more powerful than realized at first glance. When I am feeling down, or at my lowest, the right song can help me through it. Sitting at home, alone in my room, biting back tears the comfort of music that makes you feel something can be so therapeutic it's unreal. With that being said, if you are ever in a slump or feel as if you have no one to help you through it, consider grabbing some headphones and just taking a break. Step back from the situation and take a breather. Don't play an upbeat song expecting it to automatically make you magically feel better, but play a song that moves you. Something that resonates with the way you are feeling at the moment. Let it comfort you in times that it seems no one else will. Find the music that you just can't live without and let it help motivate, empower, and uplift you.
Something I have found especially helpful in times of distress is songs that explain my feelings better than I could myself. Pay attention to the lyrics and let them be a reminder that you are not crazy for feeling the way you do. Someone else wrote an entire song because they once felt a similar pain or experienced a similar situation as you. Let it be a pleasant reminder that you are not alone in whatever your struggle may be. Because everyone has one. Music can help you heal. It has helped me get through countless dark nights and numerous stressful situations, And it can do the same for you. Feel both the music and your emotions as you remember that it will all be okay in the end.