The first time I heard someone tell me about there anxiety I thought they were just being dramatic. My first girlfriend told me "the more people in the room the more she felt like she couldn't breathe." The fact that she felt like couldn't breathe and the fact that the pressure in the room was crushing her and no understood how she was feeling left me so confused.
I didn't understand how real anxiety actually is until January of 2018 when I had my very first anxiety attack. I was told that I don't have enough money to go back to the school of my dreams and the news hit like a tsunami just hit the shore. A definite smack in the face and the sudden the pressure in the room got heavy then I felt like I needed to figure my life out at that moment. I didn't realize that it was anxiety at first because I thought to feel this much pressure all the time was normal it's was being an "adult" is until I noticed myself not smiling as much as I usually smile. It was until I noticed myself not eating and not wanting to go anywhere.
The lie that anxiety makes you believe is that your alone that it's just you having to deal with the world on "your own" or that your "stuck "where you are, that "you can't handle it anymore." All of these things are very real feelings but so far from the truth. Yes, anxiety is real and yes, the pressure of life and responsibilities are heavy, but I have the greatest news you could ever be told.
You can do it through Jesus. In fact, we are made to where we can't handle it in our own way but to where we have to ask Jesus for help. We have to ask for his strength instead of our own. The only way I made it through my anxiety is by constantly asking for peace from God. At least 1 million people die a year from suicide. This causes overwhelming anxiety which breaks my heart, we can do this we can! We just need Jesus to make it. I can't give you any other solution then that. Thanks for reading.