I'm done. It's been a long election cycle and I'm finished with it. I cannot talk about politics anymore because it just gets crazy and both politicians aren't the heroes we want to rule this country. It's been 7 months since the Wisconsin Primary and it feels like a lifetime. The news cycle about this election has been so dull too. Trump said this, Hilary lost this, Trump is mean, and Hilary is nowhere to be seen. I get it. Same old, same old. I, like everyone in the world it seems, long for the days of 2012. Oh, how nice and naive we all were.
We just had to vote about whether or not we liked Obamacare or not. There was no ISIS, the Syrian Civil War had just started, and we had regular politicians to choose from who sounded like politicians or at least educated. I wish we could go back to the days where frog memes weren't seen as signs of white supremacy (I still can't believe that actually happened by the way). I wish we could have a real conversation about issues rather than ad hominem after ad hominem. Anyway, I'm done with it all.
I can't wait until November 8th so I can vote and that'll be the end of it. After that it will be over. For the next week or so people will be freaking out anyway. Which ever side wins the other half will be disappointed and want the rival candidate dead because they're "literally" Hitler or whatever. I'm just begging for mercy at this point. Just someone win already. Ultimately, whether the candidate I want to win wins all the weight will be off my chest. I will be free to do the most American thing of all: Boo and say I could do a better job. Because inevitably either candidate is going to disappoint their own supporters so let's just sit back, relax, and throw rotten vegetables from the cheap seats. Because every commentator, pundit, and apologist has to be dog tired and so am I.
Let's just have a winner and when they do something we don't like let's grumble and say "He sucks!" or she as well. Once there is a winner all we have to do is point out their flaws and demand it to be changed, no holds barred because we don't have to stick up for anyone else but ourselves. We can just say "Yeah, they suck" you don't have to say "Well, at least she's not as bad" or "He's not as bad".
This will be my last article on politics, hopefully. I'm sick of writing about it and thinking about it. It's been quite a journey since this election cycle started last year. My choice didn't win but that's okay because I'm just sick of it. I thought I could make it and it would be exciting but it's killed me. It finally killed me, right before that finish line. With that I'll say whoever wins, don't lose friends over it. Picking your friends over politics is a good way to run out of them.