This upcoming November, an election will take place that will select the next president of the United States, just like it does every four years. The only difference about this particular election is that America doesn't know who to vote for. If you ask people on the street, they talk about either not voting in general, or just voting for the lesser of two evils. This is exactly what is wrong with the voters of America. They only see two possible options for the next president: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Believe it or not, there are others who want to be our next president.
For starters, there's New Mexico's Governor Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party. Most people don't even know who this man is. His voice is muffled by the insanity going on around the Democrats and Republicans. According to his website:
"Gary ran for Governor with no prior political resume other than his college political science degree and a passion for helping people. And although Gary considers himself to be libertarian-minded, he has always believed that good public policy should be based on a practical cost/benefit analysis, rather than strict ideology".
The website continues by stating:
"Johnson is best known for resisting the temptation to solve every problem with government spending and regulation, having vetoed more than 750 bills during his time in office — probably more than all other governors combined. He also cut taxes 14 times while never raising them. He balanced the state’s budget, and left New Mexico with a billion-dollar surplus".
I bet most people don't know that, especially if they don't live in New Mexico.
Another candidate running for the presidential seat is Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. According to her website:
"She is a mother, an organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism and injustice, to promote healthy communities, to strengthen local green economies and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, green jobs, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit".
Believe it or not, but Jill was on the 2012 ballot for president. The website also states:
"She holds the current record for most votes ever received by a woman candidate for President of the United States in the general election".
But good for Hillary for securing a spot as the Democratic nominee.
Now of course, people will have to do their research in order to know if they would want these two other options to be president, but wouldn't having them in the debates help? Yes! So why aren't they, you ask? They don't have enough publicity around them to be seen as important as the two major parties. The reason is because no one knows about them. The media has done an incredible job in hiding whoever might run against the widely known Democrats and Republicans. Perhaps this is because the sponsors of those parties pay big bucks. But how did these parties become big? From publicity! If people knew more about the other choices, those choices would have to get screen time.
So here is my question for you America: Do you want more options, or just two children throwing punches at one another? Let's help make this election one for the history books and bring other parties into the boxing ring. The more you know, the better informed you will be when making your decisions this upcoming election.