Why people should really mind their business when it comes to beauty bloggers. We've probably all heard their names at some point in our lives whether it's Jeffree Star, Jaclyn Hill or James Charles. Tons of the big YouTubers have gone through scandals, but none more than the beauty gurus. Here's what's wrong with the beauty community, is that it has created a culture of "cancelling," "tea spills" and long videos of YouTubers crying on their floors. The world of makeup is an insanely profitable industry, just look at how many of them have come out with collaborations with other brands or creating their own products themselves. Not to mention the beauty rooms, houses and cars of all these self made stars. Perhaps the amount of money involved in the whole process is what stirs the pot of drama among the beauty gurus. These people have millions of followers and fans, so when there is drama among the gurus the army of fans go after each other. This creates a hostile environment across the internet where people talk horribly about people they do not even know. So if you watch beauty gurus or anyone on YouTube, remember that their drama does not mean that you need to get involved with it. With as much social media we all use on a daily basis it can be easy to get caught up in a spiral of negativity, but we all should take a little bit more time to step back and realize what we're saying can be really mean. Whether is it at someone who your favorite person "cancels" or just a random stranger, there is really no reason to leave hateful and downright rude comments all over their feeds. We all make mistakes, we all have drama sometimes, but they just have millions of voices giving their opinions when the whole situation is likely not out in the open.
EntertainmentSep 18, 2019
Stop The Beauty Guru Cancel Culture
There is no reason for people to spill tea over someone's personal life.