Wow. I remember 2010 like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the front seat of my grandma’s car jamming out to a local radio station when your song came on - the first time I ever heard your music. I immediately loved it and began my completely crazy internet search. That’s when I found you. Kidrauhl, or more famously known as Justin Bieber.
I became that girl. The one whose wall was covered from top to bottom in posters of you, that would sing your songs from morning to night, and that cried at your concerts (twice, in fact). Let's be honest, I cried about everything, like when new albums came out; when it was 2 a.m. and I was 15 pages deep in fan pages of funny videos of your or your time on the Ellen show; even when I finally realized I would never meet you. These things never stopped me.
I bought every album and I knew the words to every song (I still do and always will). Any book that was about you, I insisted I had to have it. I even threw a birthday party, for your 18th birthday, at my house with two other, not as crazy but supportive of my love for you, friends. Yes, I really did that.
I supported you through all the good or questionable choices you made. I defended you to anyone who ever had something bad to say about you. I stood up for you through the obviously not true baby scandal, all the driving incidents, and even a night in jail. You were there for us, so we were there for you.
As the years continued, so did my love for you. I became dedicated or “obsessed”, as my friends would like to call it. But in all honesty, I was just another hardcore Belieber that could name off everything about you - all of your interests and quirks: From the new albums and movies to you falling in love to your downfall, and then to the change you made in your life. I’ve watched you grow (even though you’re older than me), but you also helped me grow.
You’ve taught me to love myself and to never give up. You have inspired me because when things got tough and too hard for you continue, you pushed through. As cliché as it sounds, I don’t know where I would be without you. You and your music were there when no one else was. Even if I may never be able to thank you in person, I want to thank you now. Thank you for loving your Beliebers regardless of anything going on, for never giving up, and for being you, or at least the "you" we do know. Lastly, thank you for turning a lost ten-year-old into an 18-year-old with a purpose.
Love always, a Belieber, whose heart you stole and life you changed.