Is it possible to "unplug" anymore?
We are living in a world where half of our lives are virtual. We rely on social media to hear news, to keep up with family and friends and to participate in culture today. We're living in a time where the president-elect's tweets are printed out and brought to the senate floor for discussion and analysis.
In this world we've all created together, is it possible to truly "unplug" anymore? Can we feasibly disconnect from social media and still get on in society?
I think, realistically, yes you can, to whatever degree you think is reasonable. I do mean it when I say that half of our lives are virtual these days; not having an online presence will ultimately lead to you needing to create one, either for school or work, it tends to be a requirement for many non-virtual aspects of life. That is what is concerning about it all, how are we supposed to find space in our minds to meditate and consider deeper, more complex things? The biggest issue older generations have with millennials is that they're so self-absorbed, yet when considering the structure of social media and technologies advancements, doesn't it kind of make sense?
Everyone has their own personal phone, computer, accounts where they create their image to the rest of the world, and in a world where lives are half lived online, it's easy to get caught up in having the "right" image. Swimming in all of this is your rising generation, that has grown up being told how easy they have it and how entitled they are. So we're all self-absorbed and hate ourselves at the same time. I ask again, where are we supposed to find inner peace in this world?
Different strategies work for different people; after turning to my Facebook friends, I found that often the most used strategy is "out of sight, out of mind." I think there is validity in this and it does work if you are truly committed to it. I think a lot of it is simply setting boundaries with yourself. The internet seems endless and forever, so it is up to us to set up boundaries with ourselves with how and when and why we use it. Some people cut everything but the news out, so they're still informed, but not influenced by others opinions. Others will simply take all social media off their phones and block the apps and websites, so even habits cannot get in the way of their resolve.
Whatever method you choose, I hope you unplug more this year. I hope you take a break to stretch and drink water. I hope you get bored and let your imagination take over rather than the newest meme. I hope you reconnect with yourself this year.