If you're a human, living on earth, at some point in your life then you've probably been faced with some sort of confusion caused by the opposite sex, or the same sex for that matter. It seems as though millennials are known for playing games with each other, beating around the bush and not saying things they really feel for whatever reason. But why?
Back before we had smart phones with Tinder and Facebook, people had to send letters, pick up the house phone and actually go to real-life bars and parties in order to meet other people in hopes of finding love. Can you imagine? A guy calls you on your house phone and tells you exactly how they feel and what they want?
I talk to my single friends all the time and they tell me about the guys they're involved with and by the end of the conversation, I'm completely appalled by how indirect men can be these days and how unsettled they leave my friends feeling. It's not just their fault either. The women are just as mystifying and untrusting which makes for a cocktail of insecurity and heartache on both sides.
If you like someone, or hit it off with them after a date, why not let them know that from the start? Don't feel like you have to wait a week before you can talk to them again. When did having to act like you're not interested in order to get the girl become the norm? The same goes for if you find yourself in a situation where you're not interested in someone. If you know that you are not currently ready for a relationship or something which requires a level of commitment, just say so. Why do people insist on wasting the valuable time of others? There is absolutely nothing wrong with not being ready for a significant other. What is wrong however, is making someone believe or leading someone on to the point where they think it is an option.
If you're in a situation where you're scared to admit you have feelings for someone, ask yourself, why am I scared to tell the person I like so much that I like them? Is it because they are known to not commit? Is it because it seems like you're way more into them then they are into you? Well the truth is, if you don't tell them, they will never know how you feel. So just do it. If you get rejected, at least you'll know that you tried. The sooner you let them know, the sooner you can begin an amazing relationship or the sooner you can move on to better things.
Stop giving someone who sees you as a game or an option your precious time of day. If they won't commit to you after you've given them your all, chances are it will never happen and that's okay. It will certainly sting for a while, but soon enough you'll be sure to find yourself feeling better than ever.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Stop complicating things for yourself and call that boy's (or girl's) house phone (cellphone probably), and tell him what you want!