As an individual who often lambasts the system in which I thrive, I have reached a point of comfort talking about privilege. I am a white male whose parents have given me a very comfortable life, a college education and I am not affected by societal ills that befall many such as racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism or general xenophobia.
As our presidential election approaches rapidly and the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency becomes real, I have to confess something. I am scared for our country, terrified really, but I am not all that scared for myself.
This comes from knowing that I am not one of the groups that Trump's policies will affect. It is an easy lull to fall into. That is to lack a sense of desperation or urgency because personally you may not be anxious or feel the effects. That being said, there are millions in the United States and across the globe who will suffer, including some you may not anticipate.
For the record, this is a short list. A veryshort list of the people who would be negatively affected by a Trump Presidency. For time and space's sake, these are the first five I thought of first.
1. Military members
Donald Trump has stated that he thinks torture could have prevented the Brussels attacks and that we have to "beat the savages" in reference to torture. He says he would never force the military to break the law but would prefer to broaden laws. This is in direct contrast to comments he had previously made saying he would bring back the use of severe forms of torture. It is tough to know what the man actually believes, but Trump could put military members in a difficult position of obeying commands versus complying with, oh I don't know, the Geneva Convention?
2. Poor White People
I know, the majority of his fanbase and voting constituency. However Trump said just this past week that he would consider defaulting on the national debt. He has also pledged other economic absurdities that are almost universally panned as destructive to the country. Poor white Americans are a vulnerable economic group and would suffer badly from economic turmoil. Ironically it is the pledge which working class Americans gravitate to, his pledge to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, that could wreak the most havoc on the economy.
3. Immigrants and their families
This one is a given. By saying he is willing deport 11 million immigrants Trump is threatening the livelihood and safety of millions of Mexican and Central American immigrants. Sending them home to war torn and violent areas like Honduras and El Salvador puts their lives at risk. Additionally Trump has said he would cut off remittances as a way to force Mexico to pay for the border wall. This would prevent much needed money from reaching families all over Mexico and Central America by cutting off a main income source.
4. American Muslims (and Muslims in general)
By calling for a shutdown of Muslim immigration to the United States Mr. Trump is preventing smart, intelligent and hardworking people from realizing the American dream. In addition to that, he is playing directly into the hands of radical jihadists who pervert Islam as a tool of power. By presenting the United States as an anti-semitic nation that believes all Muslims are terrorists, Mr. Trump is helping to radicalize young and vulnerable individuals by painting a portrait of the United States that says "no matter what you do, who you are, what you think or where you come from, you are a terrorist, so why not become one?".
5. Women of all race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
This is another given but worth pointing out. Although he walked back the comments (in a blathering, incoherent retraction), Trump has publicly stated that if abortion is illegal then the woman must be punished. Here he breaks even with the staunchest Republicans in placing the blame on the mother.
If American women do not already have enough to deal with, including but not limited to, the restriction of their reproductive rights, the pay gap, and misogyny on a national scale, now they must deal with knowing their own president would have them jailed for exercising what limited reproductive rights they have. Trump sympathizers will point out it was a hypothetical, that "if" abortion was illegal then Trump would do this or that. Well, look around. In many states reproductive freedoms are so limited it might as well be illegal.
What I am trying to point out here is that many of us voting in the fall election, especially Republicans, will be faced with a choice. To vote Trump or not to vote Trump? It is an easy trap to fall into, particularly as a white well-off male, to say that it does not really matter, or to not feel a sense of urgency and desperation in stopping Trump.
But although, like me, you may not feel many of the effects of a Trump presidency, millions of your fellow Americans will. And in the case of some, such as immigrants, they may not survive it. Although as rational actors and members of the American electorate we vote based on our own concerns, do not forget about everyone else and what is at stake for them. I know I will not.