Being a campus tour guide has been one of the best experiences I have had in college so far. Not only has it greatly enhanced my public speaking and backward-walking skills, but I have also met some of the best people and get to (hopefully) make the college search a little easier for high school students. Shout out to all the campus tour guides out there! I'm sure you can relate to some of these.
You know you are a campus tour guide when:
1. Walking backwards for about an hour and a half doesn’t phase you anymore
“Yes, we had to practice walking backwards on treadmills before getting the job.”
2. If you happen to run into a fire hydrant or other stationary object while walking backwards, you can play if off in a cool way
“I totally meant to do that!”
3. You know too many dad jokes
“This building is called Pillsbury Hall because somebody donated a lot of dough! LOL.”
4. You know so many random facts about your school, and you will tell anyone who will listen
You: “Did you know that the library …” Your friends: “Yes, you’ve told me 10 times.”
5. You feel 10 times more popular when your friends wave to you during a tour compared to a normal day
"Hey, what’s up, hello."
6. You’ve gotten over your fear of public speaking
“I just gave an hour and a half speech while walking backwards, what did you do today?”
7. Your friends ask you where certain buildings are on campus and how to get there
“Are you lost? Looking for directions? You’ve come to the right place.”
8. Sometimes you find yourself walking backwards while walking with your friends
It’s easier to have a conversation this way anyway.
9. You know from the get-go who is going to be the overprotective parent who asks all the questions, and which parent will laugh at all your jokes
It should be your goal to make the overprotective parent laugh, as well.
10. You know which dining hall has the best food, but manage to make them all sound equally appealing
“The best dining hall really depends on the day, but
11. Giving a tour genuinely puts you in a good mood
Smiling and being peppy for an hour and a half can really change your mood.
12. You work with some of the best people
Those who walk backwards together stay together.
13. You know you have the best job at school
“Thanks for visiting, and I hope to see you on campus soon!”