I work for Activities and Campus Events at UNCG, and I must say, it's one of the most entertaining and rewarding jobs I have ever had. Seeing students come out and have a great time with friends and being able to make new friends at our events is absolutely amazing. So, here's a list of seven reasons why I think you as a student should definitely attend as many events as you can!
1. You already paid to go
You have already paid your student fees, which is where the school gets money to pay for the events! So, are you just going to let that money go to waste or are you going to make great memories with friends?
2. You could meet your best friend!
So many friendships at the start of college, and even later into your college experience can start at an event! Whether you're waiting in line for novelties (personalized stuff, giveaways etc), on the dance floor, or sitting next to someone before a movie starts or artist comes out; you might strike up a conversation with your best-friend-soulmate!
3. Chances of a lifetime
We get artists who you may have never heard of, and artists you probably wouldn't have the chance to see outside of a college event. Most colleges even ask their students to pay a small fee for a ticket to concerts or shows, but our programming board is very adamant about making sure students don't have to pay more than just their student fees to get to enjoy activities on campus.
4. "Free" Things to do
While you do technically pay student fees, you don't have to pay for tickets, tee shirts, or entry to any activities on campus so going to campus events is basically free when you do it! It's so nice as a struggling college student to know there is somewhere I can go have fun with friends without having to worry about money.
5. Get Involved!
After coming to a few events and seeing how fun they are, you can join the general body and help at events! When you volunteer, you get a earlier chance at all of the free goodies and you get to meet artists! It's honestly the chance of a lifetime.
6. Embrace your inner child- guilt free
You get the chance to to jump on inflatables, play giant versions of games like hungry hungry hippo, throw paint on your friends, and just run around acting silly with absolutely no guilt because everyone around you is doing it too!
7. Make memories you'll tell your friends and family for the rest of your life
Campus events are extremely fun, and I can't wait to tell my kids about the time I did a free fall jump onto a giant inflatable and totally held my nose like I was jumping into a pool because I was scared and forgot what I was doing.
At the end of the day, you're missing out if you don't check out what your school plans for you! So come out and enjoy what you've already paid for!