I have been a college student for approximately 63 days, and the ISU campus has only recently begun to feel like my home. I knew that the transition from my hometown to campus life would be difficult, but I truly never expected it to take this long. Don't get me wrong, I have been having loads of fun on campus, meeting new people, trying new things (rock climbing at the rec, anyone?), and getting involved. However, I have still had this feeling of being out of place, like I've just been attending this really long sleepover, and at some point, I'll go home and resume my "normal" life.
After living in the same place for the past 18 years, seeing the same people in my classes for 12 of those years, and having the same core friend group for the past 4 of those years, it is understandable how a complete shift in lifestyle could take a while to adjust to. Not only did I have to form a new friend group, but I also had to learn how to be completely independent, and manage my increasingly difficult coursework too.
So why, then, did this shift suddenly happen for me? I think it's because I finally stopped trying to make it happen for me. During the past two months, I've had a lot of firsts. The first week in the dorms, first dining hall meal, first club meeting, first exam, first this, and first that. I think it has taken me the past 9 weeks to get past all my anxieties and doubts and experience all the firsts that freshman year threw at me. Now, I find myself feeling like a seasoned college student. I now know my way around campus much better, I have an established friend group who I trust and can rely on, and I have found a weekly routine in terms of my schoolwork. I've tested all the coffee shops on campus and in Uptown, and I've found my preferred study spots in which I can drink said coffee and procrastinate as well. I even find myself glaring at the high school tour groups on the quad, which I think signifies my transformation as complete.
I've started thinking of my dorm room as "home," which is really comforting when I've just had an awful day because sometimes you just need to go home, take a hot shower, and watch Netflix in your pajamas. Plus, it helps that my dorm room has a killer view (see cover photo), and I can always catch a breathtaking sunset.
For all the confused freshmen out there who are still wondering when they'll feel like their campus is their home, I hope this article comforts you.
Everyone's timeline is different, and sometimes it may take a whole semester to decide if your campus is the right fit for you or not. Regardless of when it happens, I hope you all get there, because college isn't just about classes, it's necessary to enjoy your four years as well.
It's easy to get so wrapped up in trying to make yourself fit in or belong that you forget to enjoy the journey of getting there. I'm thankful that I started writing for the Odyssey because I've gotten to know upperclassmen in this community who have given me the best advice, and helped me realize that it's okay to feel lost in the beginning. Their successes have reassured me that I will get there someday, but for right now, I just need to enjoy the ride.