With fall right around the corner, we can all feel the anticipation in the air as we prepare for the most wonderful time of the year…that’s right, prime camping season!
With the massive heat waves of summer fading away and the leaves morphing into brilliant reds and oranges, nothing can compare to spending a crisp October night in a tent and stargazing, or laughing with friends and/or family surrounded by a campfire.
It’s good to be able to spend some time in the wild and to be away from the hassle of everyday life and the near-constant nagging of technology and regular social practices. There’s no better way to do just that and more by getting out and connecting with nature.
I personally learned to love camping early on, and now that I’m older, I enjoy it even more, because to me, very little can compare to spending quality time with people I love outdoors. Camping has given me countless memories with my family and friends, and I’ve had some of the happiest moments of my life during camping trips.
If you aren’t a regular camper, or just want to try it out, here are my top five favorite camping “hacks” I’ve used over the last few years that can hopefully better your experience.
1. Foil cooking directly on a campfire makes food taste so much better.
Photo by survival-mastery.com
There's no way to recreate the delicious taste you get from cooking directly on the coals of a campfire, and there are several ways to do this. Campfire grills can be convenient, but they can definitely get messy. Cast iron pots and pans are great, but can definitely be oh so expensive.
So to save the money and hassle, why not just use foil?
That's right! You can wrap just about anything in foil and cook it on a campfire.
My favorite food to make – aside from s'mores, of course – is definitely campfire burgers. What I like to do is dig a small pit and burn a small fire. Once the wood is reduced to charcoal, I wrap a raw burger inside two layers of aluminum foil and simply toss is on top. Flip every few minutes and bam: you've got an awesome, flavorful campfire burger.
(Fun tip: when you're wrapping, make sure you put in your favorite toppings to cook in as well. I always wrap my burgers with mushrooms, onions and grill seasoning.)
2. Burning sage on your campfire will act as a good mosquito repellent.
Photo by myhoneysplace.com
It’s no secret that bugs can make for one miserable experience outside. Don’t let mosquitoes and other pests ruin your fun!
Once you have a decent campfire going, throw on a bundle of sage. The burning sage’s smell will emit an odor that keeps the bugs away. I’ve found that at times, this trick actually works better than spray on deterrents and repellent candles. (Campfire smoke also helps repel bugs, but it’s not preferable to sit through; trust me on that.)
Be sure to control the amount you burn; too much can create a really intense smell.
(Single bundles of sage can usually be purchased for around $4.)
3. Use foam puzzle mats on your tent floor to as a soft pad.
Photo by alittlecampy.com
Spoiler alert: the ground can be a hard surface, meaning finding the perfect spot for pitching your tent is pretty important. But sometimes, you just can't find a bed of leaves or a softer spot to set up.
Plot twist: there are ways to outsmart the ground.
Buying sleeping pads for your sleeping bag can be an expensive measure, so I've found that investing in inter-lockable foam puzzle mats is a great alternative. They provide a nice layer between your sleeping bag and the ground, and they can help keep the bottom of your tent clean. Seriously, a dirty tent can be more annoying that you realize!
(Unless your tent is absolutely massive, you should only need a few of these mats. I've found multiple in packs for $10 at local toy stores or Walmarts.)
4. Try a hammock tent!
Photo by outdoorrush.com
At some point, the fire will die down and it will be time for the ambient soundtrack of nature to lull you to sleep. But let's say you're one of those people that forgot your sleeping pad and/or your foam floor tiles.
Whatever shall you do; sleep in a tree? ...Well, why not?
One day, a genius looked at a hammock and said, "I'd totally sleep in that, but I'm worried about bugs and junk."
Thus, the hammock tent was born! It's literally a hammock with a bug net over it to keep you comfortably suspended. Some are shaped like regular hammocks, others are shaped like miniature tents.
Just tie a rain fly over the top and you're got yourself a tent that's cooler (and higher) than the average tent (although I'm still partial to the classic ground tents).
(These can be found at most outdoor stores, but can also be ordered online. The prices range generally from $65 and up.)
5. Camp with your friends!
Photo by myharriman.com
Camping is a wonderful experience, but it can only get better with friends and family by your side. Bring along people to enhance the experience; share the joy with them. Being outdoors has given me so many incredible opportunities to bond with my siblings and friends, and we've made even more memories. The same can (and will) happen to you.
Sitting alone at a campfire isn't nearly as fun as having people you care about sharing it with you. Have someone bring a guitar, and sing horrible covers of songs way into the night. Laugh until it hurts while sharing stories around the campfire. Hold contests to see who can make the best s'more. Mock your friends who are scared because you all just heard a noise and can't figure out what animal made it (even though deep down, you're scared too). It's all part of the fun to have people there with you to enjoy the experiences with.
Camping is one of the best human experiences a person can have. It's a way to humble yourself, and enjoy the things the natural world has to offer. It's something everyone should do in their lifetime.
I hope reading this list has inspired you to take a trip outdoors soon, and I hope these tips can help make every second of your adventure all the more enjoyable.
Happyexploring camping.