Dear Favorite Camp Counselor,
I remember when I first met you. To be truthful, you intimidated me at first because of your intense love of camp. Yes, I loved camp, but you were on a whole other level. Little did I know however, you would become my all-time favorite counselor and change my life.
What impresses me the most is your dedication to camp. After three summers being away, you came back and spent your entire summer giving back your time to the coolest camp in the South. You could have spent your summer training for your soccer season, yet you chose to spend it at camp ministering to young girls. THAT, is awesome.
Being able to have you as one of eleven amazing counselors in my cabin was the best. We had the coolest time. Remember when we had late night talks and laugh until we cried? Or remember when you would sing and play worship songs on the guitar to help us fall asleep? How could we forget the time that you started that epic camp song battle during lunch one day?! The time that we got to spend with you will forever be some of my fondest memories from camp.
It was reassuring to have you around to check in on me. Being my last year as a camper, I was pretty unsure about what that meant, and having that you had been through it before made me feel better. Being able to have you right there as I experienced the “lasts” of being a camper helped me understand that aging out was ok. Another thing that stands out to me was one day I walked alone to Beli Deli (a snack shack). My eyes glance behind me to check if any friends are around, and I spot you. You come up to me and start talking to me about my day at camp, among other things. That was the coolest thing that happened to me during that day. You took the time to check in on me on a one to one basis. You could have kept walking, but instead took the time to make a connection with a camper that needed it.
The most important thing that I remember from having you as a counselor is the fact that you brought me to know Christ. That is something I will cherish forever. The night that you bravely shared your campfire is a night that I will never forget because of the impact. In fact, the verse that you handed out to each and every one of us is above my bed at college. It makes me smile every time I look at it. Your Christlike example has been a huge inspiration for me, even outside of camp. Jesus put you in my life for a reason, and I am so glad He did.
At the end of the session, I got to toast you in front of the entire camp to thank you for everything you did for us. While talking, I started to cry because of the impact you made that summer. The next day, when we said goodbye, tears were streaming down my face as my dad and I left camp. You were the last person I said goodbye to, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. You made my last year complete.
Fast forward almost four years later, and we are still in touch. You have helped me through the last two years of high school, and have helped me adjust to college. You have shown me more that I could ever imagine, and I am forever grateful. We have shared so many memories together, and I am so excited to see where God takes you. You are going to do amazing things in this world, I just know it.
Camp Skyline 2014 was so incredibly blessed to have you on the Mountain. I know for a fact that you did not just impact me, but hundreds of other campers too. Love you to the Riverside 20s hall and back!
- Your camper