A little over a year ago I accepted a bid from the greatest sisterhood around, and no I’m not being bias. After a year in this amazing sisterhood I’ve come to realize that this sisterhood is still just as strong if not more strong that the day I “ran” home. I am so beyond blessed by the girls in my chapter and I can’t put a number on the endless memories I’ve made in just a year. It’s in this year that I’ve documented the good times and the rough ones both on and off my instagram. Although out of all of these memories, I’m just going to take ya’ll through my top 10 favorite camera roll memories that I have made in just this past year. All thanks to the amazingly beautiful, incredibly energetic, and never boring sisters of mine!
Community support is possibly one of my favorite things and getting to mix that along with the ability to do service with my sisters was one of my most favorite experiences ever. I love the way these girls have a heart to give back towards our community!
EVERY DAY IS AS EXCITING AS BID DAYYY!!! Except when it's bid day then its way way way more exciting/fun.
Match like ALL the time! Although pretty much every sorority girls wardrobe consists of one solid out fit... norts (nike shorts) and a oversized t-shirt!
Throwing what you know every where you go and doing it in like 50% of all the pictures you take too!
Honestly as hellish as recruitment can be, there is something completely rewarding about getting to share what you love most about your chapter to each and every girl who is looking to go greek. Just a year after going greek myself I was reminded why I fell in love with Gamma Phi and how strong our sisterhood truly is!
Date Parties/ Formal/ Casual/ Date Dash really what ever social event it is having your sisters by your side just makes it that much more fun!
Honestly, my favorite memories aren't photographs at all. They are the conversations and the experiences. They are the girls that become more than your best friends and even your bridesmaids they become your family. It's the inspiration between each other that happens in the moments when the camera isn't around. It's the laughing, the crying, and the candid that makes up what is so great about this sisterhood. These girls who gather together and who cherish these memories together are the girls who make up the greatest sisterhood. They are the sisterhood and I'm just so blessed to call them just that... my sisters.