To the girl who is laughed at when expressing her view.
To the guy who gets stared at for wearing tight jeans.
To the singer who is looked down upon for singing The Word.
To the person who has been judged for being themselves.
To the child who is already picked on in kindergarten for believing in Santa.
To the girl who is being picked on in class because of her accent.
To whom it may concern,
People are so quick to judge a book by its cover when they should open the book up and read the AWESOME words that are you! When you feel sad, realize that everyone else does not understand how great you are and probably will never comprehend it.You are important. You are unique. You are weird, strange, outgoing, an introvert and any possible thing. These words people say about you are immeasurable to the words God has already said about you. You are bigger than these bullies/haters/hypocrites/rude people in this world.
When you are called loopy or are made to seem dumb for not knowing the "big words"; embrace it. Anyone can learn scientific words, but not so many can be loopy! Your loopy is great. When you feel small and like everyone is against you, look up to your Father in Heaven. He is always on your side.
Guys, what I am trying to say is that you are judged and criticized so much, but guess what! Jesus was judged, criticized and had far worse done to him. He knows exactly what you are feeling, but guess what else! The good Father made all of us to try and be like Jesus. So hey, if the haters are judging us for who we are, then we must be making God proud.
Keep being who God made you to be and pursue the Lord and all things will be okay. Embrace all your unique attributes cause y'all, they are beautiful!