Hello my fellow lionesses.
I am proud to be a Leo and I hope that you are as well. We Leo’s are strong and powerful women, but what some non-Leo’s don’t know is that we are not as tough as we seem. Don’t get me wrong, we are tougher than nails but there are some non-stereotypical things about us that a lot of people don’t know.
1. We are very stubborn human beans, but only when we really really care about something or someone.
If you happen to be the thing that we really really love, congratulations, you have just received your very own bodyguard/ attorney.
2. We do love ourselves.
Some call us self-centered, but just because we love ourselves does not mean that we do not love you or are incapable of loving you. Honestly, we are very very picky so if we have chosen to give up our beauty sleep to be with you, you should not be doubting our feelings for you.
3. We lionesses feel things MUCH deeper than most.
We care soooooo much and sooooo deeply. Better to feel everything than nothing, amirite?
4. Normally, we Leo’s are pretty level-headed and calm during an argument.
We don’t get pissed off that easily. We get frustrated quickly and can sometimes lose our heads if someone does not hear us out or like us. One of our deepest fears is not being liked and when someone shows a disinterest in us we can get frustrated with them solely because we do not understand why they don’t like us.
5. There is a very fine line between confidence and narcissism.
We live on that line. Sometimes we cross over into the narcissistic side, but we will be the first to admit to it because we love our narcissism, because we low-key are narcissists. BUT just because we put off a confident vibe does not mean that we are not insecure. We all have our insecurities, we Leo’s judge ourselves harshly because we just want to be loved by all.
6. We love going on adventures, exploring, and seeing the world.
We often grow tired of the every day so you will never be bored around our free-spirit. We are dreamers and when we set our mind on something there is no stopping us. So if your Leo decides she is going on a three-month vacation to tour Europe, you better pack your bags.
7. We live for our sweats and messy buns (trust me), but when needed we clean up real good.
8. We are the best friends to have.
We are not afraid to go up to that b---- that was talking about you and tell her exactly where she can put her negative attitude because that’s really not needed. Of course, we are going to say it much nicer because we hate when people do not like us, but the message will be given. Nobody messes with something we care about and gets away with it.
9. We like nice things, do not get me wrong, but we lionesses strive to make others happy.
We love to give and be responsible for someone else's happiness. We love our people more than our materials.
10. Due to our amplified feelings, we are the superstars of the star signs.
We think a lot, we smile a lot, we cry a lot, and we care A LOT.
We lady lions have a lot to be proud of, not just the fact that we are the Queens of life’s Pride Rock, but because we are awesome and can do anything we set our minds to.