It has been a little over three months since I have made my first 'big' move away from home. 17 hours to be exact. I moved away to college but that was only a 45-minute drive. This move has been an eye-opener and has taught me a lot about myself. My relationships with my family and friends back home couldn't be stronger and their support is what has kept me going.
The reason behind this new adventure was because I was at a spot in life where I wasn't going to school and wanted to experience something new, something outside of Iowa. I had visited my friend and now current roommate, Kacie, back in September 2018 and fell in love with the area. I had never hiked before I visited her and man do I enjoy it. I would've moved right then but I am a planner and couldn't make this kind of decision on a whim. There were many talks with my family and friends and even though they may not have liked the thought of me moving, they supported me anyway and pushed me to do this for myself.
Yes, there were emotional times leading up to all of this. The first instance I remember was on Christmas and we were at my mom's side of the family. The ladies of the family were sitting around in the good living (dining room) after lunch just talking and catching up. My Grandma piped up and asked, "So are you really moving to Utah?" I never spoke about this in front of my family at this point because I was unsure but all I responded with was "I think I am." We spoke more about it the thought of me moving and eventually made all of us emotional, especially me because I couldn't bear the idea of living far away from my family. My mom hated talking about it but when it came to the point of moving me and leaving me to head back home, we were both emotional wrecks. She is my person and my best friend. This move has been hard on me but has made our relationship stronger.
My Mama and I, just after we crossed over into Utah.Megan Martin
My parents and I at Canyonlands right after moving me the 17 hours.Megan Martin.
This state has so much to offer (as do all) and I feel like I am in a prime location to adventure off anywhere; Disneyland, Vegas, Arizona, even a trip to see my family in Washington for a weekend getaway. I am looking forward to the new places I will visit while I am living here, but I know at this point that Utah is not the end game for me.
It seems like I've seen more things around Utah and been to more places in the three months that I have lived here than I did living in Iowa for 21 years. I've been winding down lately after the different trips my roommate and I have gone on and having family and a friend come out to visit on three separate occasions. I am looking forward to going back home at the end of the month to see my family and friends.
Blanche Lake. One of the many hikes I have done since my move.Megan Martin
Getting ready for this big move, my Uncle had said to me, "make small goals out of this. Set a three month or even a 6 month trial period to see if you can do it and give yourself a chance. If you don't like it in the end, you can always move home and don't think of it as a failed experience." That was the scariest thing for me. I didn't know if I would be able to live 17 hours away from my family and friends and in the back of my mind, if I did move home, I would've thought of myself as a failure. But so far it's been great. Yes, I miss my family and friends a lot, but that is what FaceTime, Snapchat and all forms of social media are for, to keep in touch and still be able to see each other, even if it's not in person.
It has been a ride so far, a fun one at that. I have met new people that I consider friends and have made memories that make this new journey worth it.