This summer, I will be going on my first mission trip! Even though I am not going out of country and I'm staying in one of the most beautiful states in America, I know that my life is going to drastically change. As followers of Christ, we are called to serve. We are called to go out and make disciples of all nations. I am on this earth to show the kindness and love of Christ. I have experienced His love in the most extraordinary ways, and I want others to see how fulfilled they can become when in a growing relationship with Him.
Two years ago or maybe even last year, I would've never imagined that I would be a month away from going on a mission all summer long to a brand new place. I never would have thought that I would give my entire summer to God, trusting Him completely. Through the preparation process, I have had no choice but to trust Him. I am waiting for my support to come in. There are literal thousands of dollars that I am in need of in order to go. And even though I can't see it, I know He is going to supply. I am excited to see what He's going to do.
But I am not called to a mission this summer to enjoy a nice couple months living on the beach. I am not going simply to meet new friends and go on a vacation. I will be going on this mission for Jesus alone. Because the brokenness that I see everyday breaks my heart. Because there is hope in the gospel. I am hoping this is just the start of many years in the mission field, serving my King.
'So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you."' -John 20:21. This verse is incredible because Jesus was sent on this earth to save us from sin. He rescued us when He rose again. He sends us places to test our faith and to show how faithful He is. It can be hard to truly let everything go and just go, but it's His plan. Another verse that is a great reminder is Mark 16:15- 'And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." ' God's plan for us is to do just this. We should love others as He loves us. Therefore with this love, we can bring healing to nations just by sharing the redeemer in Christ.
There are so many stories in the bible that are about people in so much unbearable pain. But once they truly surrendered their life to God, everything changed. None of them were perfect. None of them had anything that we don't. They made just as many mistakes as we make nowadays. The world needs Him just as much today. There is nothing about God's word that isn't important to share.
I am looking forward to the next few months in San Diego. God is going to use my team in the most extraordinary ways. I am going to witness healing. I am going to witness true friendship in what will be a community of people that I really need in my life right now. I am excited to be challenged and come home with skills that will help me have way more conversations about Jesus with others. I know that I am called to serve, and I rest knowing He's going to bless me and those around me.