Putting thoughts into words is one of the most intricate things to do in this world, even though that is what I'm doing right now (not very well I suppose). People get paid to do it, our president and others around the country are also horrific at it.
Over the past few weeks in this country, we have had a complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Justice claiming that their First-Amendment rights had been violated by UC Berkeley for not allowing Milo Yiannopolus to speak on the campus.
Yiannopolus is a very controversial individual, to say the least. Milo has shown to be an advocate for pedophilia and very prominent user of hate speech.
We have had our president basically wage war against (black) NFL players who have chosen to take a stance, not against the flag, but against police brutality and the sheer lack of accountability they have been held to.
And in response, he has called for the owners and coaches to sit/fire those who sit for the flag (even though it isn't a requirement), and he has told complete lies about their ratings. He is causing a lot more of a stir about this than the riots in Charlottesville.
Lastly, we, unfortunately, have had the mass shooting in Las Vegas. 58 people died and 489 people were injured after a man fired from the 32nd floor of a hotel.
Throughout all of this, people still are afraid to call Milo a neo-nazi, a pedophile, and racist.
People are still afraid of calling Donald Trump, a liar, a Neo-nazi sympathizer, and an authoritarian.
People are scared to call a man who killed 58 people a terrorist.
We live in an age where we should have no fear in calling things (correctly) as we see them. By not calling a spade a spade, we give them power and free reign to progress and keep doing whatever they please because they aren't being called out for their sh!t.