Cigarettes, vape products, tobacco pipes, cigars and even lighters are now illegal to purchase if under 21. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill making these products for people 21 and over beginning June 2016. The law also regulates where vape pens can be used.
The reason behind this new smoking law is to decrease lung cancer, early deaths and less adult smokers. Making the law 21 and over is completely understandable but frustrating. Smoking is not a healthy activity, but many people underage are addicted to these products. For the people addicted to these products the law comes at an inconvenience and disappointment.
The one backdoor to the law if underage, is if in the military with proper military I.D. This law also limits what 18 to 20-year-olds can do— such as no more hookah lounges, going into smoke shops, having tobacco on oneself and meeting people in smoking sections. Freshman year at Humboldt State University will never be the same since a huge part of meeting new people had to do with sitting in a gazebo where tobacco was allowed.
California is now the second state to change the age while Hawaii was the first. When the law went into effect people under 21 who work at smoke shops lost their jobs. Along with 18 to 20-year-old avid smokers having to quit cold turkey. The government lets us buy these products for two years then takes it away not even allowing smokers to wean off with patches or gum.
It is comical that at 18 one can get a medical marijuana card, but can’t buy a device to smoke out of. The thing that is extremely irritating with the law is that one can’t even buy a damn lighter! Lighters are used for tons of things other than smoking. I understand all the reasons behind the law, but I just wish they considered medical marijuana patients and lighter use. So before you take a puff of your e-cig make sure it’s in a designated smoking area. If you need a lighter to light a candle or start a fire invest in matches. Medical marijuana patients the internet is a wonderful place to shop. And those 18 to 20-year-old smokers count down the days till 21.