Rain is a natural occurrence. The clouds open up and water falls from the sky. Most people aren't too fazed by it and go about their lives after adjusting accordingly for the weather. However, in California, when it rains, people lose their goddamn minds. Here are 10 things to keep an eye out for next time the drops start falling in the Golden State.
1. People forget how to drive
People aren't great drivers to begin with, especially in the Bay Area. Everyone is in a rush to get where they're going, and drivers have little regard for the cars and pedestrians around them. However, when it rains, everything gets a thousand times worse. Traffic slows to a crawl, excessive honking ensues, and turns that are normally no big deal cause everyone anxiety.
2. Winter coats get broken out
It dropped below 50 degrees? The apocalypse is upon us.
3. The weather is all anyone can talk about
How're you doing? "Well, it's raining and I'm cold, thanks for asking."
4. Normal plans get forgotten in favor of staying in bed
Rainy weather = sleepy weather.
5. Everyone either loves it or hates it
There's no in between.
6. Hardly anyone uses an umbrella
We all own one, but bringing it out would be admitting defeat.
7. It's easy to spot out-of-staters
The girl at the farmers market in shorts and flip-flops? Yeah, she's clearly not from here.
8. Everyone seems surprised that these things are happening
As if we don't repeat this same process every time water falls from the sky.
9. The droughtâ„¢ gets brought up
"I hate the rain." "But we needed it. It'll help with the droughtâ„¢."
10. Life goes on
Contrary to popular belief, after it rains, life will still go on.