Its the start of a New Year, and with that comes resolutions, changes, and a clean slate. Well I am really not one of those people who believe the New Year will change who I am. I believe that we can change who we are or what we want to do whenever. We do not need a certain date to decide to become a better person. But I do believe in the significance of a New Year that will bring new adventures. For example this New Year will bring a big change for myself in the first few months of me being out of the country. I am excited for the changes this year will bring and to see how I grow this year. But I decided to not make any resolutions because I do not want to be so concerned about changing who I am. I want to change because I want to not because society expects it. But this New Year I have a few goals I want to keep in mind.
1. Family
I want to remember to keep in touch with my family while I am gone. Since I will be far I know they will worry about me and I want to remind them that I am doing well. Over these next few months I have a feeling I will really learn to appreciate my family.
2. Journal
I want to journal everyday I am gone. When I look back in 10 years I want to remember my adventures that I had. Even if it was just taking a train to the grocery store. With this I also want to take as many photos as I can to document the friends I will make and the places I go.
3. Continue learning
I want to continue to learn something new everyday. Whether it be a new word or fact. Or even learn something new about the people around me. Learning is an amazing thing and I want to never stop being curious.
Now those are just a few of the goals I want to continue this year. I hope that this New Year brings joy, peace, and happiness to everyone. Lets make 2017 a year to remember!