A couple weeks ago, I noticed a particularly troubling story on my news feed. A young boy in West Virginia, who happens to be autistic, had the microphone taken away from him by a teacher during a Thanksgiving play at school. At the end of the play, students go up to the microphone and thank everyone for coming. Caleb was the last to speak. Just as he got up to speak, the video shows a teacher abruptly grabbing the mic off the stand and taking it away, prompting Caleb to burst into tears.
As soon as I saw this video, my heart broke into pieces. How could someone do this to such a wonderful little boy? Yes, he may be autistic, but that shouldn't set him apart or force him to participate differently than the other kids. He has the same rights as the other children to participate in the play and his shining moment shouldn't have been taken away from him just because he is different.
I understand what it's like to be different. When I was a kid, I used to flap my hands when I got excited. Kids would often make fun of me or question why I would do that. I eventually learned to correct it, but that didn't change how their comments made me feel.
Caleb, you are so loved by so many. It breaks my heart to know that someone would do this to you. I hope you know that I fully support you and your family and I am proud of you for being the amazing, wonderful kid that you are. Don't ever let anyone tell you it's wrong to be different. You are strong, courageous, and I wish I had the privilege of knowing you in person because I'd love to be your friend.