Buzzfeed has jumped on the bandwagon creating the incredibly popular short clips of cooking instructional videos, commonly found on social media site, like Facebook. Most of these are interesting, and include new receipts that aren’t incredibly common. There are various recipes that suits many different dietary types. Vegetarians, vegans, and gluten free options are posted all often posted.
But Buzzfeed recently came out with a video that was a bit— different. It was a recipe for brownies, but with a twist. Okay, not a twist. Pot Brownies. Here, is the clip:
There was a disclaimer at the beginning that is was only for the use of legal pot. But does this make it ethically okay? The nation seems to be a bit torn on the issue of legalization of marijuana. There are only four states that allows the legal use of recreational marijuana.. which is where pot brownies falls under.
But should Buzzfeed go as far as creating a video to show people how to create their own pot brownies? Knowing that many people still consume and use weed for their own recreational use, this is still illegal for many people, should Buzzfeed take this into consideration?
I personally find this unethical because so many people have access to Buzzfeed, including young children who do not need that kind of exposure. Though Buzzfeed’s target audience is not set for children, still taking that into consideration that most of the cooking videos should be safe for all audiences. There is no way to filter what states see the content and what states do not. Nothing would be hurt or lost if they did not post this video.
However, most of the responses and comments to the video were positive. People were sharing their own experiences and very few were discouraging the use of weed, nor slamming Buzzfeed for the creation of the pot brownies.