So during this time, we all know that the struggle with buying reasonably priced textbooks is real. Honestly, it's like your university wants you to find the price of your liver on the black market — totally not from personal experience. If you frantically have five different tabs open comparing the best buying option, you know what I'm talking about.
Here's the 11 struggles of buying overpriced textbooks as told by the "Shameless" cast:
1. Searching for the lowest price like...
2. Realizing that all this money is several orders of takeout you know can't afford.
3. When your overpriced textbook isn't in the store, so you ask up front and the person at the register is like...
4. You know when you buy the textbook, that you probably won't take the time to read it and you feel a little disappointed in yourself.
5. When they try to talk you into getting a new copy instead of a used one...
6. When you walk-in ready to follow-up with your bookstore's "Price Match Guarantee."
7. Thinking that reasonably priced textbooks should be available to students, but feeling like everyone's looking at you like...
8. Even though you've done this before, you thought maybe it'd be easier this time...
9. You consider renting because it's about $5 cheaper.
10. After you get your books, and you're all ready for class, you have to buy an access code too now.
11. When you find out the textbook you bought "isn't really used that much" from your professor.
Happy shopping!
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