During your late teens and early twenties there seems to be a migration of men and women searching like crazy for dorm rooms and apartments alike. Literally throwing money away and wasting time in a temporary space. So here is a few reasons and tips as to why buying is a better answer.
1. If commuting to college is an option, I 10/10 would recommend. Not only do you get to sleep in your own bed, eat home cooked meals, but you also do not have to pack, unpack, and repack any of your stuff. And while your saving all that money on dorming costs, you can be saving for a decent down-payment for a house.
2. If you're looking at apartments, stop. More times than not you are wasting your time. A mortgage payment is usually much cheaper than rent, and you'll be living in your house, not a half way decent one room apartment.
3. Which also leads me to the fact that with renting you usually are not aloud to any interior work whatsoever. So your bedrooms painted neon green? Better get use to it cause that's not changing.
4. Oh, and I hope you're not planning on hanging pictures, or sticking anything to the walls. If any damage is done to the house, by the landlords standards of course, you'll be losing that big chunk of money called a deposit.
5. While you're blowing hundreds of dollars with a landlord, you could be saving even one half of that cost for a down payment. You are literally throwing money out the door.
However, many of us don't quite know the process of buying a house and all that goes into it. Honestly, neither do I, but this is some tips I can tell you from my short time in the field.
1. Save money! I cannot stress this enough. If you want to buy a house you need to make it your main goal, which means saving just about every single penny you can put your hands on. Trust me, it'll be worth it later.
2. Research and figure out what kinds of houses are in your area. How the market is doing in that area. What prices are like.
3. Find a house. Drive by said house. Look at the house a billion times. I know this sounds like a simple task, but finding the right house is not.
4. Put in an offer. Talk to people who have homes, take them with you.
5. PRAY!