There's no denying that the price of college textbooks are downright outrageous. You spend a minimum of what seems like $100 per textbook per class, and when it comes time to resell them, you end up walking out of Dorks with, no joke, $23.46, when the textbooks you went there with cost you $435 (actual story -- happened to me yesterday). I liked the days in elementary, middle and high school when all of the textbooks were given to you, and you had to simply return them at the end of the year, only paying for them if they were written in or damaged beyond recognition. What could we, college students, do with all of that textbook money? Here is a list of things I could do with the money I have to spend on textbooks, assuming the average semester's worth of textbooks is about $300:
1. Pay for Netflix for at least the rest of my college career
2. Pay at least one month's rent on an apartment
3. Pay a few months worth of car payments
4. Buy at least 60 pizzas from Little Ceasars
5. Buy 11 Kylie Lipkits
6. Buy 1,578 packets of ramen noodles
7. Buy 280 things from the McDonald's Dollar Menu (this includes tax, of course)
8. Buy 75 tall lattes from Starbucks
9. Buy 60 shots of tequila, assuming the shots are $5 shots
10. Or 33 $9 margaritas
11. Or 140 $2.13 Busch Lites
12. Got a hangover? 75 Big Macs
13. Fill up your tank with 127 gallons of gas at $2.36 a gallon
14. Jam out to 20 different vinyl records at $15 per vinyl
15. At $23.39 for a 50 pound bag, you could get your pupper 12 bags of food
16. Put a down payment on that engagement ring for that special someone
17. Buy six large teddy bears for your girlfriend who never stops talking about them
18. Buy seven Anastasia Beverly Hills highlighter pallettes
19. We get it, you vape! You could buy 27 bottles of vape juice for that price.
20. Wanna throw away your future and life? You can buy 312 trash bags.