If my house was on fire, and I only had time to grab one thing, it would be my Banana Republic button down shirt.
Ok that MAY sound a little extreme but let me explain why.
I am a true believer in the phrase “dress for success” - if you are going to be in a situation where you need to perform, then dress the part. Before every class presentation, debate tournament, and even the ACT and SAT, I put on my classic white button down. Trust me, I’ve endured many judgy gazes from the other sweatpant-clad students. The thing is, while comfort is nice, it doesn’t put your mind in a position to conquer what lies ahead.
Instead of letting me quit, my mom took me shopping. We walked into Banana Republic, my mom immediately grabbed a saleswoman, and said, “My daughter just joined the debate team. We need to get her an outfit she can wear to competitions.” What came next felt like a scene from a movie. I had saleswomen bringing me blazers, dress pants and heels. To top the outfit off was a crisp white button down. I looked in the mirror and didn’t see a sad little girl, but rather a grown up woman ready to go kick butt in another debate.
There is a reason why so many iconic movies such as “Pretty Woman,” “Devil Wears Prada,” and “Clueless” all have extreme makeover scenes. Whenever you’re scared of failing, I guarantee you the right look will change all of that. When you DRESS like a boss, you FEEL like a boss. In sweatpants you blend in with the sea of grey that is our lecture halls. When you wear a button down, or any kind of professional outfit, you have no choice but to stand out. This look gives you a confidence boost like no other. Even if you’re shaking in your stilettos, it is much easier to “fake it till you make it” when you’re dressed like you run the world.
There will be a time, whether in an interview, business meeting or even in the grocery store, that you will need to feel your absolute best. Do not be ashamed to dress like you want to succeed. At the end of the day, getting the job or scoring well on the test won’t depend on the outfit you wore but it may just help. They are called “accessories” for a reason. They are intended to accentuate who you are as an individual. You deserve whatever it is your vying for. Dress like you already know you have received it.
So with that, ladies, go out and be the best #girlbosses you can be.