The other day, I was browsing through my Facebook when I saw an ad for the most bizarre thing. A banana hammock! A few more hours of surfing and my e-cart was full of the most interesting things! And so that you don't have to waste time looking for these, I present to you:
1. The Banana Hammock
Extremely beachy vibes, innit? The Banana Hammock is like a hammock, but for bananas. Because bananas are the superior fruit. They deserve a special throne. Need I say more?
If your love for bananas is especially is immensely strong, go for the Plastic Banana Guard as well.
2. Desktop Punching Bag
Are you ever sitting at your desk and suddenly feel the urge to throw your laptop across the room? Same. Unfortunately, we are not all billionaires who can afford to break laptops and smash televisions every time we get angry. Which is why we NEED this desktop punching bag.
3. Clean Dreams Kitchen Sponge Holder
Look! I found Spongebob's bed! Your kitchen sponge also deserves a special throne. As if it isn't already getting enough rest (I know you never wash the dishes).
4. The Experience Tube
Here's the deal.
I love talking. I can go on and on about anything and everything. What I need is people who will listen to me. Because, you know, I can't survive without attention. Which is why this is my favourite product on the list. With the Experience Tube, you can now entrap whoever you want to in your endless chat sessions.
Who doesn't like constant, undivided attention?
5. Bluecrate's Selfie Light
This Selfie Light is to my Instagram feed what corn is to the residents of Illinois: a necessity. It's small, it's easy to use and it works great! No more dull selfies.
Prepare to drown in my selfies, people of Instagram.
6. Egg of Thrones Egg Cup
If your bananas and sponges get thrones, why not eggs? For all you Game of Thrones fans out there, the Egg of Thrones Egg Cup!
7. Airplane Armrest Divider
As if being stuck in a floating metallic tube, thousands of meters up in the sky wasn't enough, I also have some random guy's arm awkwardly brushing against mine while I try to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The Airplane Armrest Divider is the solution! No more silent wars over who gets to keep their arm on the armrest. Now you can peacefully complain about all the other parts of the journey.
Before I knew about these products, I didn't know I needed them! But now I am sure I do! Kudos to all the creative minds of the 21st century!