I can guarantee that we all know at least one annoying vegetarian that makes all of our family dinners a little more complicated and makes us feel a tiny bit awkward as we eat a giant hamburger in front of them. Well, I am that vegetarian. And although I am proud of my life-sans-meat, it comes with some struggles and inconvenience, too.
1. Surviving off of mainly side-dishes, especially during the holidays. I'm sure other vegetarians will empathize with me when I say mashed potatoes are so important. During Thanksgiving, when the main course is a dead bird, I fill up my plate with endless amounts of mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and grilled veggies. Although my family may look at me with remorse, as if to say, "Don't you miss it? Why don't you just have one slice, it's a special occasion!" I just respond with, "Are you kidding me? I don't need anything else right now but mashed potatoes," as I fill up my entire plate with them. Seriously. Side dishes are awesome, and vegetarianism really lets me show my appreciation for them.
2. Constantly having to answer the question: "So why did you decide to go vegetarian?" Because pigs are cute and I want to adopt one in the future. That's all.
3. Barbeques are an issue. I can recall a number of times that I've attended a cookout and had to awkwardly eat, and pretend to enjoy, a plain hot dog bun with a bit of ketchup squirted on it as the rest of my friends and family cook their meat on the grill. Maybe one day I'll remember to bring veggie burgers.
4. Staying for dinner at a friends house. Ah, one of the most awkward moments of vegetarianism. You're hanging out at a friends house and their mom invites you to dinner, and I mean of course you oblige, FREE FOOD. But then something terrible happens. You sit down at the table, eager to enjoy your home cooked meal, and then you see it. CHICKEN. Right there on the middle of the table. What are you supposed to do? You don't want to seem ungrateful, but there's no way you can eat that. So then you sit there as your friend awkwardly explains to his parents that, "Sorry, she's a vegetarian," and you witness their faces fall as they tell you, "Well, you can have some of the salad."
5. No one wants to come to the cool vegan restaurant you found on Yelp. So, you're in a group chat with your friends, and they mention going out to dinner, but of course, no one can decide where to go. However, you're coming in clutch with this great new vegan place you found. Alas, no one's down. NO ONE'S EVER DOWN. COME ON GUYS. I ALWAYS HAVE TO ORDER SALMON AT APPLEBEE'S. PLEASE COME WITH ME TO THIS VEGAN PLACE, LET ME HAVE NICE THINGS.