As human beings, I feel as though we're naturally quick to judge and slow to help. I was speaking with a friend that I had not spoken to in a while. I was telling her about an ex-friend of mine and how much she has changed. She responded and said " Do you pray for her?" This question took me by surprise. Why would I honestly take time out of my day to pray for someone who wouldn't think to do the same for me? Why would I even consider helping someone that I don't like?
Think to yourself, how many times have you talked about someone's situation before trying to help them out. How many times have you watched someone in a bad predicament and, instead of asking what you can do to bring them out, you immediately hit up your friend to tell them all about it? I know the thought of helping someone who you may not even like sounds strange, but you would want someone to look out for you if you were going through something. To be honest, there have been countless times that I've gossiped about someone, I've even been happy to know that my enemies are doing poorly when I've been great. Which is wrong on so many levels. Everyone goes through something, and some people can't handle their battles so well. You'll have friends that will switch up on you in a heartbeat and you'll have people that don't even know you throw dirt on your name. We are always so quick to react negatively when someone hurts us, especially during this day and age, because there is always a battle to see who can be the pettiest, but the saying "hurt people hurt people" is true. It's not right, but it happens. Everyone has hurt someone with something that they have said, or done. But how would you feel knowing that someone was secretly praying for you to come out of your situation victorious?
I'm not saying that you have to hold hands with everyone that you can't stand, sit around a fire, and sing campfire songs. You should just try to think a little deeper into their situation before talking about it. Maybe that friend who switched up on you, really lost themselves. Maybe the person that goes around talking about you, really just envies your lifestyle. Instead of talking to your friend about them, try talking to God about them. All you have to say is 'God help them." It's as simple as that.