As a Christian, it's easy to say that I believe in the Lord, and I believe His Son, Jesus died on the cross so that I could spend eternity with Him in heaven, but when it comes to tasks being performed on earth, especially impossible tasks, it seems like we're on our own. It seems as though our problems or tasks are just too much. But then, as Christians, we think, "Well, nothing is too big for God; I believe He'll make it happen."
Most of the time, though, right after we make this statement, we go back to worrying about how whatever this thing is will get done. But if we truly believe God is who He says He is, and that He is there to help us with whatever it is that we need, why are we worried? Why do we let these little things stress us out, yet we say that God has control over the situation?
Is it that we don't truly believe in His promises? Why are we letting our doubts get the best of us? God has the power to get us through any trial we may face in life. When you choose to accept the Lord, you choose to depend on Him fully. But that is the tricky part for humans. To depend on someone, other than themselves, fully. Talk about a nearly impossible task. It can be extremely difficult to have this crazy faith that says, "Hey, I believe that Jesus died for my sins so that I could live eternally in Heaven with the Father, and that He will pull me through any and all situations," but that is our calling; to love and trust in Him entirely.
Mark 11:23 says, "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them." If we truly believe that this "mountain" will throw itself in the sea, it'll be done. We laugh at such a thing because it seems absurd. Yeah, right. When have you ever seen a mountain just pick up and throw itself into the ocean? But God puts it right there in His word, which is what we are to live by. If we say it to be true and actually believe it, it shall be done.
It's not absurd to have crazy faith. That's something everyone should want! A Christian should be someone who wholeheartedly loves the Lord and trusts in His plan. How awesome would it be to feel as though you never have to worry about any situation, because your faith is so strong that you know there will be a happy ending. With God by your side, you can accomplish anything. So, don't be partial about it. If you're going to believe in something, believe in it wholeheartedly. God wants a serious relationship with you. One where there are no doubts or worries. If He says it will happen, it will.
So let's stop worrying. God is far greater than we can even imagine, so trust that He will pull you through, and really believe in that.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13