" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " Jeremiah 29:11
Life is a spectacular event. Each of the seven billion people on this planet are given a blank slate to write a magnificent story. Each and every one of us share the same basic desire--to be happy. It is no secret that the definition of happiness varies for each person based on culture, upbringing and basic differences in personality.
Sometimes, life takes us through difficult times, but have you ever heard of a meaningful, inspiring story that did not have a conflict that took the main character out of his or her comfort zone?
The truth is, we need the low points in our lives to help us appreciate the high points.
We are children of a just and loving God. He loves us and has a plan for each and every one of us. His plan always contains hope and happiness. While God lets Satan tempt and test us, He always gives us a chance to get back on the right path. He gave us free will, so every decision we make is not in his will, but regardless, he gives us a way out, no matter how ominous the circumstances. If anything, going down a path where I turned away from God's guidance has only made me a stronger Christian as a result.
I realized that I cannot do great things on my own. We all fall--it is human nature, but the true demonstration of character is standing back up when it is much more comfortable to lie sprawled out on the ground.
I have goals in life. Some of my goals are what society calls normal--find a kind husband who supports me in my faith and raise a family that honors God and be happy in all I do. But other goals of mine, such as my ultimate goal to be President of the United States of America, are met with scorn and disbelief. Whatever I end up doing with my life will be because of God's will and not due to any skills or luck of my own. All I will ever accomplish in my life and all I have accomplished thus far has been granted into my life by the blind and pure grace of God. I believe that God just wants us to be happy and praise his name. I believe that every person was created equal in the eyes of the Lord and no one person's accomplishments are greater than another's--because, in all reality, they aren't the separate accomplishments of each individual, but the combined doings of God.
I hope to live a life that leads others to Christ.
The way I have acted in the past has not always been righteous and I have not always let God work through me. But God has given me a second, third, fourth, hundredth, thousandth and billionth chance to be who he knows I can be. The truth is, this life isn't for the pursuit of money or material items; it is for the pursuit of blind happiness that honors our Father and Creator. I believe that the Lord has chosen me to help others pursue happiness in His name. It is no secret that this world has gone down a dark path--but like in the Biblical times, it only takes one person called by God to bring the world into a new horizon.
God leads us through dark times not to harm us, but because he knows we can get through them--not by our own strength but with His power and grace. Take into consideration the stories of Job, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; God led them through the loss of everything, a lion's den and a fiery furnace, respectively. He put them in those situations and only He could bring them out--and He did. What God takes away, he gives back tenfold.
So, don't be dismayed in times of trouble, but instead put your trust into the Lord--for He will ever love you. Every negative situation is to teach us a lesson and there is ALWAYS a way out.