You busy busy little bee,
How does it feel to be busy all the time? Cool? Are you a hardworking little bee? Does being busy mean that you are automatically important or getting things done? Does it make you feel important? Having such a busy schedule and all. Do you feel like you get things done? Do you live day by day on a schedule, on deadlines, on a tight watch?
Here's the thing- we need to stop the glorification of being "busy." Busy is not something cool. It isn't something to be. Nowadays you are "always busy"- in a fast pace world, I get it. It is not your fault. Living in such a world as we do today, we are unfortunately programmed into thinking that there is no other way. That busy is something cool and something everyone should be. I remember when I had free time to, I don't know, relax I would feel guilty and feel like I was missing something. Like I wasn't doing all that I could be doing when in reality, that was far from the truth. I was doing everything I had to do. I was completing all my tasks, doing my homework and my work responsibilities, working out, and hanging out with my significant other/friends and family.
I also remember a few times when I would ask my friends to go get a cup of coffee, go watch a movie, anything really and they would tell me that they couldn't because they were busy. They were always busy. They had a job, had a significant other, and school. I mean, I had all of those things too, so why, then was I not always busy and why did I feel so bad when I wasn't. Those are just a few questions I would ask myself until I realized that everywhere you looked, everyone was striving to be busy. Everyone wanted to have a full schedule, get things done. I completely agree with that mentality. Well, not all of it. I like to get things done, but the full schedule and running around out of breath does not appeal to me. I don't think it appeals to everyone, but it is what's sold to us in movies, tv shows (both of which the "always busy peeps" have no time for anymore), Instagram posts, Twitter even.
I don't know how people do it. I mean, I think about how I used to do it and I cringe at the thought of going back to that. That need to have a busy life. I don't like the feeling of being in a rush. I like living day by day, going with the flow. That doesn't necessarily mean that I don't have a plan. I just have breaks and time for myself and for the people I care about.
A few things that make me believe that busy is not something cool is that you feel like you don't have time or that you are running out of time, so you don't really enjoy how you spend it. John Lennon said, "Time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted," and although I am not saying to go waste time, letting life pass you by, I am saying that you shouldn't worry if you are wasting time as long as you are enjoying it. As long as you do get things done, of course.
You don't seem to have the time to stop and smell the roses. Breathe, look up at the sky, and admire the weather if you are always busy. You don't seem to have the time to talk to strangers or even smile at them. You don't seem to be able to find new places to go, new coffee spots or new restaurants. You don't seem to be able to experience different cultures because you can't go to a museum or watch movies and documentaries. There is always something pushing you to finish the next deadline, to get to your next destination, to cross that thing off your list just so you can add others to it- and I get it. I really do, but honestly, I don't agree with it and do not support the idea that "busy" is cool and neither should you. Like my favorite quote from Jimi Hendrix says, "We have time, there's no big rush."