Honestly, I am not usually a busy girl. At heart, I am typically someone who hopes for an open schedule and enjoys a buttload of down time. Sleeping in and painting ceramics until night time are my thing.
Lately school has been changing my agenda and I find myself cramming a late night study session before waking up early to finish my third essay due this week. My left eye is twitching and my hair has decided to rebel. Not to mention I am wearing the same shirt I wore two days ago, and those stress zits the doctor tells you about have decided to populate my forehead.
Suddenly it’s Christmas time, and after the tsunami of papers and final exams, I am in a daze.
What now?
With the next few weeks open, I’ve recognized a few things that need to happen during the break. Not just for me, but for any college student recovering from the anxiety of last semester. Our cranky professors have convinced us that school is all that matters and our grades have begged for our attention.
We need sunlight.
Get yourself outside and go for a walk. Take your dog to the park or run a mile in the middle of the day. The color in your cheeks will slowly come back and all that good Vitamin D will soak into your skin.
We need sleep.
Pull the covers over your exhausted body and close your eyes for some much-needed sleep. I'm sure every college student knows this but it doesn't hurt to reiterate. After you get some sun, go to bed for a while and let your bones rest. I know I will.
Do what you love.
If you enjoy reading, sift through your book shelf and read something while you have the time. Do you like to paint? Buy a canvas and pull out the colorful tubes of paint in your closet. Make something beautiful. If you like to play the harmonica, use that thing all day. Let the music pour through the windows and down the street.
The free time we have during Christmas and New Years will run out.
Sometimes I forget to rest during the break even though I already know I should. I am caught up with all the hanging out and the Christmas parties. It is important to remember these simple little guidelines while we celebrate and ease the stress that has been leaving behind migraines and dark circles.
It's time to disinfect our worried minds.