As much as our parents and the rest of the world like to think that college students just lay around all day watching Netflix, it's unfortunately far from the truth. I like to think that I am involved in an average amount of extracurriculars for a college student and I manage to stay pretty swamped.
In case anyone was wondering what an average week looks like for a college student, here's a peep into my typical week.
Mondays are normally my easy days. I typically wake up at 8 or 8:30 and try to make it to work by 9 a.m. I work until 2 p.m. and then head back to my apartment to change clothes and grab a quick lunch and I'm on the bus to head to class at 3 p.m. My class starts at 3:30 and I take the 5 p.m. bus back to my apartment.
Because Mondays are my slow day, I normally try to run or go to the gym before 'The Bachelor" comes on at 8 (cuz you know, priorities).
I take the 9am bus to campus and I have three back to back classes. I have a break from 1:45pm to 3:30 until my last class and I normally work on homework then or go to my professor's office hours. I again take the 5pm bus back home, change clothes and get to softball practice by 5:30. I finally get home on Tuesdays around 7:45 and shower and eat some dinner and it's homework time again.
I again work on Wednesdays. I try to be there by 9 but by humpday I'm normally dragging and get there around 9:30. I work until 2, go home, eat lunch, catch the 3pm bus to campus and the 5pm bus home. On Wednesdays I do childcare at a local church and I'm normally there by 6pm. I work job #2 until around 7:30 and head home for dinner or grab something quick with one of the girls I work with. I go home and normally try to head back to campus to get a workout in if I don't have too much homework.
My Thursdays normally look a lot like my Tuesdays. School from 9-5, practice 5:30-7:30 and by this time in the week, I need a beer. Normally my girlfriends an I meet at Buffalo Wild Wings on Thursdays for wing night where a tall draft is greatly appreciated. If practice gets out early, I normally try to go to my church group that starts at 7 instead of dinner. I know I'm terrible, I'm choosing between beer and Jesus.
I don't have class on Fridays and you would think that my week would be cooling down by now but not exactly. Fridays are actually one of my busiest days. I again work from 9-2. It's not unusual for me to go in late on Fridays just because I need sleep at this point in the week and thankfully, my work is pretty flexible with my hours. After work, I normally head straight to the batting cage to do some tee work with a teammate.
From there, I normally try to run or workout because the amount of fast food I've been eating lately is starting to catch up with me. Every other Friday, I have a meeting for the officers of my church group since I run the social media accounts. After that, I might get a short break or go to dinner and have a drink with a friend.
But wait, there's more!
I try to have some me time on Saturdays. Totally kidding because if it's softball season, I'm normally up by 6 a.m. to load up the vans and head to an away game. We play 3 games and then drive back home. It's a long day, but its worth it. I often want to go downtown after games, but my body hurts so bad at this point I typically just shower and crawl in bed.
Sundays are normally more relaxed. I have some time to sleep in and do some homework. If we don't have Saturday games, we normally practice on Sunday mornings. I again sometimes work at the church on Sunday afternoons but its normally just for a few hours. Sundays are easy-peasy compared to the rest of the week.
So to everyone that thinks college students just lay around, they don't.
They go to school, have jobs, have internships, try to stay healthy and try to balance a social life all at the same time. Sometimes I think about having a 9-5 job post-graduation and honestly, it can't be that bad in comparison to the 60+ hours weeks I'm currently working. On a weekly basis, I probably tell my mom the words "I'm tired" or "I need a beer" at least 20 times.
Trying to juggle everything I do sometimes seems impossible and I can't even imagine how I ever did a sorority on top of all this.
On any given day, chances are I just want to crawl into bed but I always muster through. All I've got to say is that this exhaustion better is worth it because I promise I would rather be napping. Please don't get upset when I can't or don't want to hang out because I promise it's nothing personal, I'm probably just planning a nap into my schedule.