To all the other drivers on the road:
That school us that is right in front of you that you see and are annoyed with. Stop being annoyed with that bus. That driver has someone else's precious cargo in their care. It is their responsibility to make sure that those kids get from their home to the school and back every day.
If that bus is going slower than you want to be going there's a reason that it is going slower than you'd like to be going. They might be getting ready to turn on there yellows and get ready to make a stop to pick up or drop off a kid. And if those yellow lights on that bus come on the right thing to do is to slow down with that bus and not try to pass them. Once those yellow lights come on its only a matter of moments before the red lights come on and the stop sign comes out. If you try to pass a bus with its yellows on you run the risk of hitting a kid that you didn't see crossing the street to the bus because you got in a hurry and just wanted to get around the bus.
Once that stop sign comes out and those red lights come on you MUST stop 25 feet behind that bus for the safety of the children crossing the street.
Many bus drivers will let you pass them after the kids are on the bus, the lights go off, and the stop sign comes back in.
Slow down stay far enough behind the bus and keep in mind that the driver of that bus is in charge on 60 children that are not their own kids. That's 60 sets of parents that driver has to answer to if something happens to their children.
Trust me you would rather tell your boss, your friends, your doctor that you are late because you slowed down and stopped behind a bus over telling the parents of a child on that bus that you where to concerned about being on time some place to care that the bus driver had turned on the reds and released the stop sign and that's why you hit their child.
So please from the daughter of a bus driver slow down when the yellow lights come on and stop when the red lights come on and that stop sign comes out. It will save both you and the bus driver from some uncomfortable explaining to parents and the school. So please for the sake of my mom and all the other bus drivers out in the world just be late to that shift at work or that appointment. You will feel better when you know that you safely got to your destination and that all the kids on the bus also got to their destination safely as well.