Here's the deal, burnout is bad (pretty sure you've never learned that before did you?). A lot of people associate burnout with high amounts of stress. Yes, this is true, but what if I were to tell you that burnout could possibly be a deeper rooted issue? No, I'm not backing this up with science. So take this idea with a grain of salt, but maybe you are not doing what you are "called" to do.
Yes, an extreme stretch. Sometimes it isn't the job you work at. You may love your line of work and just be tired because you're not taking care of yourself properly; you have 18,000 other things to do once you get home on top of the job you are working at. I'm not talking about that kind of burnout. I'm talking about the burnout you feel from going to a place that you dread (I mean really hate it). I'm talking about the job that pays you really well, and you still dislike going there. I believe we all have a purpose and sometimes we are in the wrong one. Thus, your frequent burnout.
"Well, Ashley I have responsibilities." Yes, we all have responsibilities and I'm not telling you to quit your job, or to change careers, but I am intending to spark a thought or a dream you once had that you did not work on. Maybe you had a dream of doing something and you just gave up on it because life hit you or the bills needed to get paid and you got stuck in the everyday routine of life. Maybe you had a kid and put your dreams on hold, but now they are older and you still aren't pursuing it. Maybe you always wanted to write a book or get into a dance class (yes, I had to put it in there) and you didn't think you were good enough, or too old.
Let me assure you, you can still do it! The best quote I have seen so far is the one below:
Get your drive back. I remember someone telling me that when you look at a graveyard, there are probably a lot of people who died with dreams and purposes unfulfilled. Your burnout could be a sign that you are not serving the right purpose. Do not die with dreams still in your heart. Go for it!
So I ask: look inside yourself (pray, fast, detox, cleanse, take a social media break, vacation, whatever you do to keep you in a calm state) and see what dreams you've had and work on them a bit at a time. See where the source of your burnout is coming from, and have an honest conversation with yourself. You may not find the answer right away (or maybe you will) and let this guide your day to day. You should constantly be checking for signs of burnout and self-reflection can be extremely helpful.
I hope this helps! Be the great person you are and live your life as such.