I’m not easy to forget.
I stick on your tongue,
My scent burns in your lungs,
You feel yourself reaching for my hand,
Every muscle, every fiber of my being,
But you come up with empty sheets.
I linger in the back of your mind,
You crave me when you try for another,
Everything I did,
The quirks,
The upsets,
The smiles,
The body language,
It was all unique and something you had never known or ever seen.
My eyes are haunting emerald waves with glints of gold,
You see them in your sleep,
You see them while staring into the eyes of another empty being you use to fill space,
They stick in your head,
Mocking you,
You can’t stay in bed,
You can imagine them staring into yours,
And how nervous you felt the first time they caught your stare.
Full of love and vibrant energy,
You see my glow,
You miss my aura,
It was invigorating,
But you pushed me away,
Now you’re left to only crave me.