One of the topics I like to talk about is staying healthy and fit. The reason because it is a recurring topic is because it is hard for me to exercise and follow diets. This year has been hard. I barely have gone to the gym.
I do not like a workout, but I like numbers. Every 3,500 calories you burn, you lose a pound. I have read that the best is to burn 500 calories each time you go to the gym; that is exhausting. I have done it, but I cannot even walk after that. What I try is to burn about 350 calories per day I exercise.
My favorite workout is to walk around my neighborhood and enjoy the view, nature and the weather. The truth is with one hour walking around; I only burn 180 – 200 calories. I do not have two hours each day I exercise.
Then, my goal is to burn as many calories I can in one hour; I always try to burn about 350 calories per hour; then in ten days, I can lose one pound. I want to share with you the ways where you can burn more calories per hour.
1. Treadmill.
My favorite machine is the treadmill. I like it because you have many options. You can choose to walk on a flat surface or elevate the machine until level twelve. The speed is another option; you can walk slow or fast. Also, the device has some routines you can choose where the machine goes by different levels and speeds.
The way I spend my hour is going for the first ten minutes in level six of inclination and level two in speed. Then, I work another ten minutes of eight inclination and 2.5 speed. The rest of the time is eleven of tilting and three in speed. With this routine, I can burn over 400 calories in an hour and I work my glutes.
2. Stair climber.
This machine is good because you burn calories and work out your legs and glutes. In my case, I cannot stay for an hour in the stair climber. I get tired quickly on this machine. Also, you have to be careful; you only can use this machine a couple of days per week because it can hurt your knees. If you are stronger than me (which is easy), you can burn about 400 calories in an hour.
3. Elliptical.
The elliptical is another fantastic machine. I do not use it a lot because I do not have the energy. It is better to work out on an elliptical than on a bike. With the elliptical, you work almost all the muscles, and your body is in constant movement. With this machine, you can burn between 500 – 800 calories in an hour.
4. Jogging.
Jogging is popular. It is cheap because you can jog or run anywhere. Also, it is the kind of exercise you need if you want to participate in a marathon. Another advantage is you can practice it with a group or a partner. With jogging, you can burn up to 550 calories in an hour.
5. Rope.
Rope exercises have many advantages. First, you do not need to enroll in a gym to practice it. Second, the cost of a rope could be as cheap as $3. Third, you can burn 200 – 300 calories in 15 minutes. I have tried to practice with rope, but my house has a low ceiling so the rope touches the roof each time.
6. Dumbbell exercises.
The world of dumbbell exercises is enormous. What many experts recommend is to start your routine with dumbbell exercises, maybe 45 minutes, and then 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercises. The reason is you will burn more calories starting with your muscles.
The idea is to work one part of the body per day and not to repeat the part the next day. For example, if you work arms and shoulders on Mondays, you should work on Tuesdays your legs, and Wednesday, your back.
Many people think that dumbbell exercises do not burn calories, but they are wrong. You can burn over 300 calories in one hour with this type of activity and also tone up your body.
7. Gym classes.
Another way to manage your hour in the gym in the best approach is by using the classes. Today, all the gyms offer many kinds of classes and many schedules. Spinning, boxing, Zumba, aerobics, Pilates and yoga are the most common ones. What I can recommend is to go to all of them until you know what it is your favorite. And most importantly you can burn over 300 calories in each class.
The truth is that there is a world of options if we want to be healthy and fit. There is always an excuse not to work out, but we can do a lot in an hour.