Our house has never had the typical family pet. We’ve never had a dog or a cat. However, we have had several fish, hamsters, a bird, and a bunny. Out of all these house pets, I can say without a doubt that my bunny was the absolute best one. Everything from their adorable ears and fluffy tails to their little hops across the living room floor is absolutely perfect. I've had a rabbit almost my whole life, and I can confidently say that I never found a single problem with him. Overall, these little animals are hard not to love. If you still aren't convinced that they are the best animals ever (or you just want to see pictures of cute bunnies) keep reading.
1. Rabbits are extremely easy to take care of.
I had a rabbit for 12 years, so I know what it’s like to take care of one. Like any other pets, rabbits need food, water, and a clean environment. If you have to leave for the weekend, you don’t need to hire a pet sitter. All you have to do is clean their cage and give them food and water, and they’ll be good on their own for two days.
2. They are easy to transport.
If you happen to want to bring your bunny on the trip, all you have to do is put their cage in the car, and you're set. It's as easy as that.
3. They don't make noise.
Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but I can’t stand barking for more than five minutes. This isn’t a problem with rabbits. Every once in a while, they’ll make quiet squeaking noises, but that’s about it.
4. Bunnies are good with kids.
Bunnies make great pets (especially for little kids) because, for the most part, they don’t bite or scratch. They are also very tolerant, so they put up with kids that other pets would quickly become annoyed with.
5. They are entertaining!
People say that rabbits aren’t good pets because they don’t do anything. That is far from true! Rabbits are some of the most curious animals. They love to hop around and explore, and you are guaranteed to smile when you watch them trying to figure something out.
6. They make some of the best cuddle buddies.
I can’t vouch for all of the rabbits out there, but my rabbit would come and lay next to me if I was laying on the floor watching TV or doing homework. Having a bunny hop over and lay down next to you after a rough day is one of the best feelings.
7. They are really cute.
If you don’t think bunnies are even remotely cute, you need to readjust how you look at animals. After that, if you still don’t think they're cute, I can’t help you.
8. Probably the cutest animals ever.
They are so adorable that their cuteness is acknowledged twice on this list. How can your heart not melt when you look at this picture (and at all other bunnies)?