About mid-way through Spring Quarter, I had the bright idea to apply to the community college near my house so that I could register to take classes there over the summer. I was still on a school-high and full of ambition and drive…little did I know how quickly that would change.
Initially, I had only registered for one class because it is a prerequisite for my major and I wanted to make sure to not fall behind. However, about a week later I decided to register for another class to take over summer because, “Why not?" Right? Wrong.
Now I am merely finishing up the first week of the classes and the amount of times I have cursed myself is already uncountable. Please tell me why I thought it was a good idea to put myself through this torture because I really can’t explain it.
The more times I have to say, “Sorry, I can’t hangout I have to do homework,” or, “No I can’t go out tonight because I have school early tomorrow morning,” the more I question my sanity at the time of class registration. Maybe it was the countless cups of coffee or reoccurring sleepless nights that somehow made me think, "Yes, I should take two classes over summer," but either way, now that I am about two weeks clean from caffeine and thoroughly rested, I hate myself.
I keep trying to convince myself that taking these classes is a good idea. I consider the arguments that, yes, I will be getting more units done, staying caught up with classes, and even satisfying one more GE section. But how worth it are those aspects?
I know that in the long run, I am going to thank myself for getting these two classes out of the way, but I don’t know if I can turn down my friends’ invites to hangout anymore. It seems like the weather is purposely more beautiful than usual and the beach calls my name more clearly than ever before. I am so close to getting, “It's worth it,” tattooed on my arm just to remind myself not to drop these classes, but it's almost as if the universe is telling me that that’s not the case.
I’m sure many of you are feeling the same way right about now. A few weeks into summer and the devil on your shoulder won’t stop whispering, “Just drop the dang classes, you don’t need them right now. It's not like you’re even behind. Plus, you have years to complete them and this is your time. Summer time. Take back your freedom!” However, like mine, I hope the angel on your shoulder is equally as convincing.
So, to all you out there suffering in the same boat as me, whether we get the tattoo or not, we need to remember that it is worth it! These classes are six weeks max and then we are free to frolic around and indulge ourselves for the rest of summer. Also, think how proud of yourself you will be once you finish the class; you might even treat yourself to something nice like a shopping spree or a giant cake.
There are undoubtedly some pros and cons to taking classes over the summer, but I truly believe the good outweighs the bad (hopefully). I want to be carefree and fun loving as much as the next person, but all of that is going to have to wait until statistics is mastered and art is fully appreciated.