As you read this article, you will probably think about how basic and generic it is. You know that bullying is real and that it isn’t right. However, you never really know how you truly feel about a situation until you or someone close to your heart is affected by such acts.
Often times in life, it is easy to sit back and just allow things to happen because that is just how life works. However, when is the time that you stop just letting things happen and take a stand for what is right or wrong? That is a hard question, but it is something that needs to be thought about.
Everybody knows whether something is right or wrong, even though they may not say anything about it. But it is always a different story when it is you that is the one being affected, or maybe even a loved one. Simple joking can turn into something much more in a matter of no time at all. What seems harmless to one person may be tearing someone else down or possibly be being done on purpose. Sadly, our society and communities thrive off of people being mean and bullying each other. That is not right.
What does anybody get out of bullying? Does tearing down someone else make you feel better? Does it make others like you more? You get nothing but maybe the satisfaction of hurting someone else. For that bullies should be ashamed! Bullying is a very real thing, and very real things need to be done in order to stop bullying!
It is time that we all take a stand together, not just you or me, but us all and make it a point that it is not okay. Together as a whole, a difference can be made. Even if it starts out with just you standing up alone, others will follow. I promise! Keeping in mind, being a bystander and not helping or doing anything at all makes you just as guilty of the bullying as the bully himself/herself is. No, you are not the one directly taking part, but you also aren’t doing anything to stop such awful acts. Like I said before, BULLYING IS REAL and real things need to be taking place to stop it. So, let’s start a movement! Black sheep or not, IT IS TIME TO END BULLYING! TAKE A STAND!