Everyone knows now about the Parkland, Florida shooting. This shooting like many of the others that are sadly ridden throughout especially America's history and other countries histories. Gun control has become such a debated topic recently after the Parkland shooting but also after any mass shooting. This debate usually hits a peak after a couple of days or even weeks and then nothing changes.
But it seems this time that the story is not going to be ignored. There will be changed enacted whether it happens this week or a month from now. Millions of Americans and citizens of other countries have been asking for more sensible gun laws, being ignored, pushed to the side, and told that their requests were wrong and inconsiderate.
The main group that has been fighting against these common-sense gun laws has been the National Rifle Association (NRA), a large lobby group in the government. The NRA arguing that the assertion of common sense gun laws will in a way take away their guns and repeal the 2nd amendment. President Trump, who is a strong ally of the NRA, asked to move the minimum age of purchase of a weapon to 21 but the NRA declined (CNN.com) after being moved by the victims of the Parkland shooting's thoughts.
And while Trump does feel moved and wants to spark some form of change; America has become so complacent in their ways that a mass shooting will happen again and nothing will be done. It has become such a fact in our history and most likely in our future that it is hard to see a future where this isn't a problem.
A prime example for many Americans who want some serious changes to the system of buying guns is the story of Australia's stricter gun laws after their deadliest mass shooting in 1996. But the real issue that Americans seem to suffer after each mass shooting is not the constant amount of asking for gun control reform but that the agenda that is pushed is not the one that we need. Republicans and strong anti-gun control individuals believe that everyone should just be giving our "thoughts and prayers" to those families who just lost their loved ones.
And while that may be true in some regard; it doesn't negate the fact that all of this waiting to discuss this problem as Tomi Lahren had to say on her 'Final Thoughts' show. But I know many people can agree that all this waiting to discuss or just giving our thoughts and prayers is bullshit. It doesn't help anyone when your loved ones are gunned down in a senseless and heinous way.
We need to do more than thoughts and prayers. We need action. We need reform now.