There is a classic saying that goes as follows:
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
That is sadly true. For the best people on this planet know evil, have been sculpted by it. It only takes one too many bad events to turn a saint into a devil. It only takes that one final push to turn a good person into the worst monster the world has ever seen.
Take Superman as an example. He is the vision of what we as humans want to be. A selfless creature that will help regardless of cost. A beacon of hope for all of humanity to see. But what is the scariest thing? An evil Superman. Just think about how much evil he has seen. If he recreates half of the things that he has stopped, the world is royally screwed. But even using an actual human being that exists. Think of every war hero. How much they have seen or has stopped. They know exactly how to get to people, how to hurt them. Now an example that hits closer to home. Not everyone is a war hero. Think of all the people that get harassed by bullies everyday. They know exactly how to damage people fully to the point of breaking. How to damage someone's mind to the point of oblivion.
But how much does it take to make a Hero crack? Sadly this is completely unknown and different for each person. It could be the death of a loved one all the way down to a flat tire. For some people that trigger to break is incredibly small, where for some it could be mountains. We all remember the days of hearing about postal workers walking into their offices with Uzi's. That is where the term "going postal" came from.
I don't say this to install fear in the masses, but a friendly warning to all bullies of all kinds. Be careful who you mess with, who you humiliate. That person just might crack. It is not for the bullies that I give this warning for. It is for the for the people that might get in the cross fire. There is no reason that innocent lives should be in jeopardy just because a bully decided to stuff someone in a locker one too many times.
Do not take this as justification for any kind of violence...It is not.
But bear in mind that not everyone turns into Batman after a traumatic event. Sometimes they turn out to me more like the Joker. And though the Joker is fun to watch, no one wants to be on the receiving end of one of his jokes.
Being a bully isn't as funny anymore, is it?